Work packages
WP1 – Biomechanistic modelling
The WP1 should provide a robust and computationally efficient model framework to analyse mass-heat balance and life history strategies depending on (i) climate conditions and microhabitat heterogeneity, (ii) behaviour and physiology, and (iii) potential for geographic variation and acclimation
WP2 – Individual-level data on hydroregulation and thermoregulation
In WP2, we will combine an ambitious set of 5 laboratory experiments repeated in our three model systems to decipher both immediate and long-term effects of changes in ambient temperature, ambient humidity and water availability on critical functional traits
WP3 – Population-level data along crossed thermal and water restriction gradients
This task will aim at quantifying geographic variation in climate conditions, habitat characteristics and simple-to-measure functional traits across gradients of temperature and water availability as indicated by air temperature and rainfall but also by vegetation and access to free-standing water.
WP4 – Spatially explicit mechanistic niche model at regional scale
Here, we will parametrize the mechanistic model with empirical and experimental data to produce mechanistic niche simulations in the mountain ranges under investigation (regional scale) as well as some predictions at a global scale.
WP5 – Species-level data on hydroregulation and thermoregulation
This WP5 will be used to comprehend evolutionary modes of correlated evolution between thermoregulation and hydroregulation.